Френсис Форд

Френсис Форд



Участие в фильмах


Яркий свет солнца

Toughest Man in Arizona

Тихий человек

Погонщик фургона

San Antone Ambush

Одинокий рейнджер (сериал 1949 – 1957)

Frontier Investigator

Театр у камина (сериал 1949 – 1955)

The Far Frontier

The Plunderers

Eyes of Texas

The Timber Trail

Bandits of Dark Canyon


High Tide


College Queen


Мать и отец

Bowery Champs

Outlaws of Pine Ridge

King of the Mounties

The Loves of Edgar Allan Poe

The Man Who Wouldn't Die

Last of the Duanes

Diamond Frontier

К югу от Паго-Паго

Lucky Cisco Kid

Viva Cisco Kid

Барабаны долины Махонке

Bad Lands

The Texans

Kentucky Moonshine

В старом Чикаго


Узник крепости Зенда

Корабль рабов

Грехи человека

Educating Father

Gentle Julia

Чарли Чан в цирке

Узник острова акул

Paddy O'Day

This Is the Life

Пароход, плывущий по течению



The County Chairman

Судья Прист

Храбрость Чарли Чана

Murder in Trinidad


Pirate Treasure


Крупное дело Чарли Чана

Gordon of Ghost City

Человек из Монтерея


Life in the Raw

Clancy of the Mounted

The Lost Special

Таинственные джунгли

Heroes of the West

The Rider of Death Valley

Destry Rides Again

Tangled Fortunes

The Last Ride

Battling with Buffalo Bill

The Indians Are Coming

Sons of the Saddle

Song of the Caballero

Kathleen Mavourneen

The Jade Box

The Mounted Stranger

The Lariat Kid

Sisters of Eve

The Chinatown Mystery

The Four-Footed Ranger

The Branded Sombrero

The Wreck of the Hesperus

The Cruise of the Hellion

The Heart of Maryland

The Devil's Saddle

Men of Daring


Officer «444»

The Fighting Heart

The Red Rider

Ridin' Thunder

Scar Hanan

The Taming of the West

Soft Shoes

The Measure of a Man

Hearts of Oak

Western Yesterdays

A Rodeo Mixup

Mine to Keep

The Haunted Valley

Three Jumps Ahead

So This Is Arizona

The Boss of Camp Four

Деревенский кузнец

Storm Girl

They're Off

Thundering Hoofs

Another Man's Boots

The Stampede

The Lady from Longacre


When Eve Fell

A Man from Nowhere

The Woman of Mystery

The Mystery of 13

Crimson Shoals

Berlin Via America

The Silent Mystery

The Isle of Intrigue

The Craving

The Mystery Ship

John Ermine of Yellowstone

Who Was the Other Man?

In Treason's Grasp


The Puzzle Woman

True to Their Colors

The Terrors of War

The Rebel's Net

The Little Rebel's Sacrifice

The Strong Arm Squad

The Purple Mask

Mister Vampire

The Heroine of San Juan

The Powder Trail

The Bandit's Wager

The Elusive Enemy

Poisoned Lips

The Princely Bandit

Brennon o' the Moor

The Adventures of Peg o' the Ring

Chicken-Hearted Jim

The Unexpected

The Sham Reality

Behind the Mask

Her Sister's Sin

Lady Raffles Returns

The Madcap Queen of Crona

The Cry of Erin

The Dumb Bandit

His Majesty Dick Turpin

The Phantom Island

The Campbells Are Coming

The Broken Coin

One Kind of Friend


The Doorway of Destruction

And They Called Him Hero

The Hidden City

The Curse of the Desert

Three Bad Men and a Girl

The Heart of Lincoln

The Girl of the Secret Service

The Madcap Queen of Gredshoffen

Old Peg Leg's Will

Smuggler's Island

The Mystery of the Throne Room

The Phantom Violin

Этюд в багровых тонах

The Call of the Waves

The Ghost of Smiling Jim

The District Attorney's Brother

The Mysterious Rose

The Mysterious Hand

Be Neutral

The Return of the Twins' Double

The Man of Her Choice

The Tangle

How Green Saved His Wife

How Green Saved His Mother-in-Law

Lucille Love: The Girl of Mystery

The Mystery of the White Car

Washington at Valley Forge

The Mysterious Leopard Lady

The Twins' Double

A Bride of Mystery

In the Fall of '64

The Mad Hermit

An Unsigned Agreement

A Wartime Reformation

From Rail Splitter to President

The Belle of Yorktown

The White Vaquero

Wynona's Vengeance

The Madonna of the Slums

From Dawn Till Dark

The Black Masks

The She Wolf

Captain Billie's Mate

The Struggle

A Cow-Town Reformation

An Orphan of War

The Battle of Manila

The Capture of Aguinaldo

An Indian's Gratitude

The Battle of San Juan Hill

The Honor of the Regiment

The Stars and Stripes Forever

The Toll of War

The Vengeance of the Skystone

Will o' the Wisp


The Darling of the Regiment


With Lee in Virginia

The Half Breed Parson

Texas Kelly at Bay

The Iconoclast

A Frontier Wife

The Pride of the South

The Battle of Bull Run

The Sins of the Father

The Lost Dispatch

The Barrier

His Brother

The Telltale Hatband

The Coward's Atonement

The Counterfeiter

The Favorite Son

When Life Fades

When Lincoln Paid

A Bluegrass Romance

In the Ranks

The Great Sacrifice

The Burning Brand

The Law of the West

Blood Will Tell

A Double Reward

His Squaw

Linked by Fate

The Army Surgeon

The Governor's Clemency

The Civilian

The Altar of Death

Mary of the Mines

When Lee Surrenders

The Man They Scorned

On Secret Service

How Shorty Kept His Word

How Shorty Kept His Word

An Indian Legend

Custer's Last Fight

On the Firing Line

Sundered Ties

The Frontier Child

The Fugitive

An Old Tune

The Bandit's Gratitude

The Reckoning

The Ranger's Girls

The Reformed Outlaw

His Partner's Share

The Gambler and the Girl

The Desert

The Last Resource

A String of Beads

His Double Life

Snowball and His Pal

The Sheriff's Mysterious Aide


His Nemesis

The Sheriff of Stoney Butte

On the Warpath

A Soldier's Honor

Ghosts at Circle X Camp

The Outcast

Making Good

The Lieutenant's Last Fight

The Crisis

Finding the Last Chance Mine

The Post Telegrapher

The Ghost of Sulphur Mountain

Blazing the Trail

Wanted: A Wife

Troubles of the XL Outfit

The Deserter

The Sheriff's Daughter

The Battle of the Red Men

Семь золотых слитков

The Heart of an Indian

War on the Plains

The Deputy's Sweetheart

The Wild West Circus

Smiling Bob

Broncho Bill's Love Affair

A Tenderfoot's Revenge

The Protection of the Cross

The Empty Water Keg

Love and Jealousy

The Ranch Girl's Love

The Sub-Chief's Choice

Melita's Ruse

The Run on the Bank

The Honor of the Tribe

The Laugh on Dad

The Gambler's Heart

The Indian Maid's Elopement

A Woman's Gratitude

Chinese Smugglers

Getting His Man

Falsely Accused

An Indian Martyr

The Mission Father

Cowgirls' Pranks

The Foreman's Courage

Bar Z's New Cook

A Western Girl

Mexican as It Is Spoken

Right or Wrong

The Mission Waif

A Spanish Love Song

Red Cloud's Secret

Bessie's Ride

The Strike at the Gringo

In the Right of Way

The Great Heart of the West

The Kiss of Mary Jane

When the Tables Turned

Her Spoiled Boy

In Time for Press

Бессмертный Аламо

The Redemption of Rawhide

The Spring Round-Up

Mary's Strategem

The Reformation of Jack Robbins

An Unwilling Cowboy

Jack Mason's Last Deal

Her Faithful Heart

The Warrant for Red Rube

Sir Percy and the Punchers

The Snake in the Grass

In the Hot Lands

Only a Sister

Billy and His Pal

Changing Cooks

The Owner of L.L. Ranch

The Crimson Scars

In the Tall Grass Country

A Western Welcome

Old Norris' Gal

What Great Bear Learned


The Cowboys and the Bachelor Girls

His Sergeant's Stripes

A Mountain Wife

Under the Stars and Bars

Uncle Jim

Out for Mischief

Billy's Sister

A Plucky American Girl

Salt on the Bird's Tail

In the Mission Shadows

Baseball, That's All

Won in the Fifth

The Romance of Circle Ranch

Return of Ta-Wa-Wa

A Postal Substitute

The Golden Secret

The Little Preacher

The Ruling Passion

White Doe's Lovers

A Texas Joke

Love's C. Q. D.

The Padre's Secret

The Paleface Princess

A Rough Night on the Bridge

Speed Versus Death

The Seal of the Church

The Newly Born

Branding a Thief

Cyclone Pete's Matrimony

Fortune Favors the Brave

The Count's Wooing

For Sale: a Baby

Cinderella Up-to-Date

For the Cause of Suffrage

The Stolen Wireless

Wolf's Trail

Wolves of the Air

The Winking Idol (сериал)

Опасности диких

The Power God

Cupid's Rustler

Cross Roads

Angel Citizens

Gold Grabbers

Trail's End

Cyclone Bliss

Thunderbolt Jack

The Avenging Trail

Good Morning, Judge

Orders Is Orders

Born of the People

Shorty Turns Judge

Shorty's Strategy

The Adventures of Shorty

Sheridan's Pride

The Bride's History

The Light in the Window

Smiling Dan

The Wheels of Destiny

The Little Turncoat

The Paymaster's Son

The Dead Pay

For the Cause

The Invaders

The Ball Player and the Bandit

His Better Self

The Hidden Trail

The Colonel's Peril

Memories of a Pioneer


The Marshal's Daughter

It Happens Every Thursday

Жертва судьбы

Father Makes Good

Она носила желтую ленту

Feudin', Fussin' and A-Fightin'

3 крестных отца

Форт Апачи




Wake Up and Dream

Моя дорогая Клементина

Сестра Кэнни

A Tale of Two Cafes


Жена Монте-Кристо


Love, Honor and Goodbye


Зажигательная блондинка

The White Gorilla

Он сказал «Убийство»


The Big Bonanza

Принцесса и пират


Большой шум


Дом в Индиане



Девушки в цепях

Случай в Окс-Боу

The Vanishing Virginian

Они умерли на своих постах

Riders of the Purple Sage

Табачная дорога

Вестерн Юнион

Romance of the Rio Grande

Обращение на запад

The Man from Dakota

Гроздья гнева


Colorado Sunset

Молодой мистер Линкольн


Девушка Золотого Запада

Change of Heart


Загубленные в море

Последний поезд из Мадрида

Дорога назад

Звезда родилась

Плуг и звёзды

Человек с равнины

Little Miss Nobody

Секрет Чарли Чана

Париж весной

Поездка в город

Весь город говорит

Bachelor of Arts

Мир движется вперед

Потерянный патруль

Римские сплетни

Doctor Bull

The Thundering Herd

Воздушная почта

Scandal for Sale

Лицо со шрамом

The Impatient Maiden

Discarded Lovers



The Spirit of Notre Dame

Вольная душа

Первая полоса

Seas Beneath


Авраам Линкольн

Captain of the Guard

Mister Antonio

The Drake Case

Чёрный дозор

The Charlatan

The Trail of '98

Хижина дяди Тома

Bells of San Juan

Американские мастера (сериал 1985 – ...)

The Great Universal Mystery

Подробная информация о персоне

Дата рождения 1881
Страна Портлэнд, Мэн, США
Краткое описание Настоящее имя — Фрэнк Томас Финей (Frank Thomas Feeney).
Количество фильмов 510
Дата первого фильма 1909
Дата последнего фильма 1953
Место смерти Лос-Анджелес, Калифорния, США
Дата смерти 5 сентября, 1953 • 72 года
Жарн драма, короткометражка, вестерн
Карьера Актер, Продюсер, Сценарист, Режиссер
Рост 1.83 м